Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS’ (hereinafter LOAS) housing rental operations require the processing of personal data. The processing of personal data is based on a customer relationship, other appropriate purpose or consent provided by the customer. Personal data is used, for example, for customer relationship management, customer satisfaction and other surveys as well as customer communications, apartments’ maintenance tasks as well as the marketing of apartments.
LOAS pays particular attention to the customer’s privacy and the protection of personal data, and it observes good data processing practices. Personal data is mainly collected directly from the customer. In addition to this, personal data is collected from e.g. Suomen Asiakastieto Oy’s credit data file and Statistics Finland’s population information register.
On its website, LOAS may also collect data concerning the users’ end devices with the help of cookies and other similar technologies, such as website analytics. In principle, collected data is not disclosed by LOAS to any third parties, excluding situations concerning apartment owner changes, collaboration entities referred to in the data protection plan and regulatory requests.
According to the Personal Data Act, each person has the right to review what information about him/her has been stored in the register. The request to review cannot be made over the phone, but instead it must be made in writing, personally signed and personally delivered to LOAS’ office and the person must verify their identity with an official ID upon submitting the request. Upon request, the person must provide their name, address and social security number, whether they would like to review details concerning a certain issue, all details or details for a certain period.
The customer has the right to require any information that is incorrect, expired, incomplete or unnecessary in terms of the purpose of processing to be corrected, removed or supplemented in the register. The submission of rectification requests is carried out according to the same guidelines as in case of requests to review.
The right of refusal refers to the person’s right to refuse the data controller from using personal data for direct marketing. A previously provided direct marketing consent can also be cancelled at any time by notifying the refusal by email to
Further information about the processing of personal data can be obtained from the following privacy policy of the register which is based on customer relationships and other appropriate purposes (customer register).
Customer register
1. Data controller
Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS
(Business ID: 0206825-2)
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
2. Person handling register-related issues:
Operations Director
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
3. Name of the register
Register based on LOAS customer relationships and other appropriate purposes
4. Intended use of personal data
Personal data is processed for the purpose of managing, handling, analysing and developing customer relationships and other appropriate purposes, such as e.g.:
- customer data management
- rent ledger management
- customer surveys, such as customer satisfaction surveys
- apartment maintenance and in this context, the disclosure of relevant information with the maintenance companies that are in a contractual relationship with the data controller
- collection of rent payments and other room-based rent receivables
- termination of rental agreements
- In addition to customer communications, personal data may be used for the design and development of the data controller’s business operations.
5. Data content of the register
The register may process the following personal data and their amended details about apartment applicants, recommended customers, tenants as well as any subtenants:
Basic details, such as
- name
- social security number
- contact details (postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses)
- gender
Details concerning customer relationships and other appropriate purposes, such as
- customer number
- start date of customer relationship
- number of people living in the same household
- first and last name, and social security number, of a spouse or partner living in the same household
- first and last names as well as social security numbers of all people living in the same household
- upon the data subject’s consent, the first and last names as well as social security numbers of people living in the same household
- notice of a co-applicants consent to the data subject to provide information to the data controller about themselves
- information about a possible guardian
- information about employment and its duration as well as nature
- information about income and assets
- credit history details
- debt reorganisation details
- debt collection details
- housing details prior to customer relationship
- details concerning the need for an apartment
- details concerning tenancy, i.e. rental agreement details, rent payment details, rent deposit details as well as rental terminations
- identification details of the guardian acting as the rental agreement’s signatory in case the tenant is underaged
- reclamations, feedback and other communications and procedures concerning the customer relationship and other appropriate purposes, including phone call recordings
- marketing procedures targeted to the data subject, their use and details provided in their connection
- bank account details concerning the termination of a tenancy
- direct marketing consents and refusals
6. Regular data sources
Data is collected personally from the data subject, e.g. from rental apartment application forms, electronic services.
Personal data can also be collected and updated from the data controller’s other person registers, customers who have provided notice, the data controller's partners as well as authorities and companies providing services concerning personal data, such as Statistics Finland and credit history from Suomen Asiakastieto Oy’s credit data file.
7. Disclosure and transfer of data
In principle, data is not disclosed outside LOAS. Data can be disclosed within the limits allowed and required by prevailing legislation to contractual partners carrying out debt collection on behalf of LOAS as well as entities which have the right to the said data according to legislation. In addition to this, data can be disclosed to the property management, maintenance, security and locksmith companies as well as the electricity and information network suppliers in order to deliver housing related services.
Due to housing-related problems, such as rent payment or neglect of good maintenance of the apartment, LOAS may hand over information related to the tenant and housing to social services in accordance with 35 § of the Social Welfare Act. The purpose is to prevent and help the tenant with housing problems.
If a third party than LOAS becomes the owner of an apartment, LOAS may disclose the necessary information to the new owner of the apartment for the purpose of managing the tenancy.
8. Transferring data outside the EU or the European Economic Area
Data shall not be transferred outside the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area.
9. Protection of the register
The data included in the register that is electronically processed is protected by means of firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical methods that are generally accepted in the data security sector.
Manually maintained documentation is located in premises to which access is prohibited to unauthorised persons.
Only the identified data controller and employees of companies that have been assigned and are working on behalf of the data controller and have signed the non-disclosure agreement, have access to the data contained in the register after being granted user rights by the data controller.
10. Right to review, deny and amend
Data subjects have the right to review what personal data has been stored in the register in accordance with the Personal Data Act. The request to review must be made in writing, personally signed and personally delivered to LOAS’ office and the person must verify their identity with an official ID upon submitting the request.
Data subjects have the right to deny the processing of data concerning them as well as the disclosure for direct marketing, remote sales and other direct marketing, as well as market and opinion survey purposes, by contacting the data controller.
The data subject has the right to require any incorrect information to be rectified by contacting the data controller.
Jobseeker register
1. Data controller
Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS
(Business ID: 0206825-2)
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
2. Person handling register-related issues
Operations Director
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
3. Name of the register
Jobseeker register
4. Intended use of personal data
Recruitment needs and the processing of job applications as well as the needs incurred by them.
5. Data content of the register
- name
- date of birth
- address
- phone number
- email address
- basic education and qualifications together with completion dates
- other completed training
- application and software user skills
- special expertise
- linguistic skills
- current duties (employer, job title and job description)
- most important previous duties (employer, job title and job description)
- recommendations
6. Regular data sources
The information and annexes submitted electronically or in writing by the applicant.
7. Transferring data outside the EU or the European Economic Area
There is no disclosure or transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area.
8. Disclosure and transfer of data
Data shall not be disclosed outside LOAS.
9. Protection principles of the register
Paper documents are stored in locked premises, which can only be accessed by appointed people who have signed the non-disclosure agreement.
Data saved in the IT system is stored in a centralised manner in a locked and monitored IT machine room which is protected with firewalls and other technical methods. Data can only be accessed by appointed people who have signed the non-disclosure agreement, and they are required to log in to the system with a personal username and password.
Key register
1. Data controller
Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS
(Business ID: 0206825-2)
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
2. Person handling register-related issues
Operations Director
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
3. Name of the register
Electronic key user register
4. Intended use of personal data
Investigation of crimes and vandalism as well as other misuse that has taken place at the properties owned by the data controller.
5. Data content of the register
Information about handing over keys
- name and address as well as other contact details of the key holder
- hand over and return date
Access data of the properties’ doors
- key identifier data
- date and time
6. Regular data sources
Data collected personally from the data subject in connection with handing over the key, access data collected from the property doors’ readers
7. Regular disclosure of data
In principle, data is not disclosed outside LOAS. In cases of suspected crime, data can be disclosed to the police.
8. Transferring data outside the EU or the European Economic Area
Data shall not be transferred outside the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area.
9. Right to review, deny and amend
Data subjects have the right to review, what data about him/her has been stored in the register. The request to review shall be submitted to the person handling register-related issues and it must be made in writing and signed. The request to review may also be made in person at the data controller’s office.
10. Protection principles of the register
The data included in the register that is electronically processed is protected by means of firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical methods that are generally accepted in the data security sector. Manually maintained documentation is located in premises to which access is prohibited to unauthorised persons.
Only the identified data controller and employees of companies that have been assigned and are working on behalf of the data controller and have signed the non-disclosure agreement, have access to the data contained in the register after being granted user rights by the data controller.
Stakeholder group register
1. Data controller
Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS
(Business ID: 0206825-2)
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
2. Person handling register-related issues:
Operations Director
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
3. Name of the register
Partner register
4. Intended use of personal data
Personal data is processed for the communications and information between LOAS and the persons belonging to its stakeholder groups.
5. Data content of the register
The register includes the necessary information of personal data for the implementation of the intended use, such as:
- name details
- title/position
- employer
- contact details (postal address, phone number, email address)
The data of the register is removed immediately once there is no longer a reason according to the intended use to store it, unless the data controller is obliged to store such data according to legislation or a regulatory order.
6. Regular data sources
The data is collected directly from the data subject (e.g. in connection with meetings and other communications). Data can also be collected from external sources, such as magazines and other publications, generally available online and other sources as well as registers maintained by third-party service providers.
7. Disclosure and transfer of data
Data shall not be disclosed outside LOAS and data shall not be disclosed outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.
8. Protection of the register
The data included in the register that is electronically processed is protected by means of firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical methods that are generally accepted in the data security sector.
Manually maintained documentation is located in premises to which access is prohibited to unauthorised persons.
Only the identified data controller and employees of companies that have been assigned and are working on behalf of the data controller and have signed the non-disclosure agreement, have access to the data contained in the register after being granted user rights by the data controller.
9. Right to review, deny and amend
Data subjects have the right to review, what data about him/her has been stored in the register. The request to review shall be submitted to the person handling register-related issues and it must be made in writing and signed. The request to review may also be made in person at the data controller’s office.
Data subjects have the right to deny the processing of data concerning them as well as the disclosure for direct marketing, remote sales and other direct marketing, as well as market and opinion survey purposes, by contacting the data controller.
The data subject has the right to require any incorrect information to be rectified by contacting the data controller.
Camera surveillance register
1. Data controller
Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS
(Business ID: 0206825-2)
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
2. Person handling register-related issues:
Operations Director
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800
3. Name of the register
Camera surveillance register
4. Intended use of personal dat
Investigation of crimes and vandalism as well as other misuse that has taken place at the properties owned by the data controller.
5. Data content of the register
Video recordings of people, vehicles, etc. at the properties.
6. Regular data sources
Video cameras
7. Regular disclosure of dat
In principle, data is not disclosed outside LOAS. In cases of suspected crime, data can be disclosed to the police.
8. Transferring data outside the EU or the European Economic Area
Data shall not be transferred outside the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area.
9. Right to review, deny and amend
Data subjects have the right to review, what data about him/her has been stored in the register. The request to review shall be submitted to the person handling register-related issues and it must be made in writing and signed. The request to review may also be made in person at the data controller’s office. The data subject mist provide the location and a time that is as accurate as possible when the recording would have taken place in order to find the data. The person making a request must attach their own photo to the right to review request.
10. Protection principles of the register
The data included in the register that is electronically processed is protected by means of firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical methods that are generally accepted in the data security sector. Manually maintained documentation is located in premises to which access is prohibited to unauthorised persons.
Only the identified data controller and employees of companies that have been assigned and are working on behalf of the data controller and have signed the non-disclosure agreement, have access to the data contained in the register after being granted user rights by the data controller.
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions include the general terms concerning the use of the websites and the services provided within them at (hereinafter “Websites and Services”) and maintained by the Student Housing Foundation for the Region of Lappeenranta LOAS (hereinafter LOAS), and which terms the user agrees to observe upon using the Websites and Services.
LOAS has the right to make changes to the content and availability of the Websites and Services at any time, or it may cease to publish the websites and the services within them, either temporarily or permanently. LOAS also has the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time.
Intellectual property rights
All the material to be published on the Websites and Services are property protected by LOAS’ trademark rights, copyrights and/or other intellectual property rights, excluding any services linked to the websites which have been produced by third parties, such as the map service. LOAS reserves all rights to the material to be published on the websites and the services included in them.
Material to be published on the Websites and Services may be browsed and copies may be made by means of printing or downloading files to a personal computer. However, the material may only be used for non-commercial and personal purposes. Copies or part thereof may not be sold or distributed electronically or as paper copies for commercial purposes, and they must not be changed or annexed to other material or other websites. Press releases may be published in media as long as the source is referenced.
Limitation of liability
Websites and Services are delivered on a “as such” basis. LOAS does its best to ensure that the Websites and Services are available, and they can be used in an uninterrupted and error-free manner, and that the material and data contained in them are up-to-date and accurate. LOAS is not however responsible for any direct, indirect, random, particular or indirect damages, loss of profit or interruptions to business operations caused by the availability, interruption or inaccuracy of the Websites and Services or the material and data within them, even if the possibility of such damage has been notified to LOAS.
There may be links to websites of the third parties and services within them (e.g. map service) on the Websites and Services. Such links are solely services offered to the users and LOAS is not responsible for these websites, website content or the accuracy of their content, or the legality of the registration of any personal data collected on the said websites.
Personal data processing (data protection)
There may be services on LOAS’ websites which require the processing of personal data. Personal data is mainly collected directly from the customer and from e.g. Suomen Asiakastieto Oy’s credit data file and Statistics Finland’s population information register. Personal data is used for e.g. customer relationship management, customer satisfaction and other surveys as well as customer communications. The collected personal data forms part of LOAS’ person registers.
User tracking
We use Leadoo’s tracking service to follow what users are doing on the site and combine this behavioral data with other data we can gather from e.g. chat interactions. Leadoo uses etag tracking in order to hook together the same users behavior over several sessions – in practice this works similarly to cookie based tracking. Please check out Leadoo Marketing Technologies Ltd’s Privacy Policy ( for more information on what is tracked and what your rights are. Leadoo works as the Processor and we work as the Controller for the data in terms of GDPR. You can stop the tracking by emptying your browser’s cache after the visit. For more on how Leadoo works as a GDPR compliant processor, see
Contact point in accordance with Section 190 of the Information Society Code
Housing Office
Laserkatu 1 C
53850 Lappeenranta
Tel. (05) 6682800