Students are at the heart of our operations. We wish to create attractive housing services for people studying and doing research in Lappeenranta. At the same time, we have a key position in developing the entire region of Lappeenranta and the well-being and sustainable competitiveness of all of Finland.
Success by working together
We believe in the idea that by working together 1+1 > 2. This can be seen in our common LOAS spirit, our motivated staff and the comfort of students.
Responsibility carries a long way
We are strongly committed to good, advanced technology and an economical way of thinking. We actively include our residents which has a positive effect on energy consumption, the sense of community and comfort.
Comfort is an important matter to us
The flexible services that have carefully focused on the various life situations of students and our properties which are diversely situated in different areas of the city differentiate us from other housing providers. Comfort is indicated by housing that lasts throughout studies.
Energy efficiency and the environment are priorities
We are involved in developing Finland’s greenest student housing community together with LUT, LAB and Sampo. Pilots formed through cooperation are visible to our residents as the utilisation of brand new technologies, such as wide-scale solar electricity trials. We are also an active part of the Greenreality Network.
Our own maintenance operates under the same roof
We are personally responsible for all the maintenance and repair activities that take place in the apartments. In this way, we can provide services quickly in the best possible way which is most suitable for student life. LOAS’ own maintenance company carries out, for example, sauna renovations, repairs minor faults in the apartments and buildings as well as carries out apartment inspections to ensure that our apartments are always in good condition and ready to welcome new residents.