LOAS-Peltola II
Väinölänkatu 27
Laundry room
LocationIn the district of Peltola, to the centre less than 1 km, 7.2 km to LUT and AMK and 300 m to the vocational college.Apartment typesStudios and furnished shared flats.Internet connectionLOAS’ Lnet connection.Transport connectionsWalking distance from the city centre. Bus routes to Skinnarila 1, 3 and 5.SaunasResident sauna at the ground floor.LiftThe building does not have a lift.LaundryA laundry room equipped with washing machines and tumble dryers in stairway A.Leisure equipment storageAt the ground floor of the building next to the entrance and in a separate outbuilding.Resident storagesEach apartment has its own storage cage at the ground floor of the building.Waste managementWaste management shelter in the yard area of the building.Parking placesParking places in the yard area that are equipped with electricity sockets, bookings via the electronic booking system.Air-raid shelterAt the ground floor of the building.Energy certificate
Floor plans
Shared apartment
Shared apartment 11.50 m²
Apartments: 6Furnished: YesResidential sauna: NoPrice from: 223 €/kkShared apartment 11.50 m²
Apartments: 3Furnished: YesResidential sauna: NoPrice from: 225 €/kkShared apartment 11.50 m²
Apartments: 4Furnished: YesResidential sauna: NoPrice from: 221 €/kkShared apartment 14.00 m²
Apartments: 3Furnished: YesResidential sauna: NoPrice from: 251 €/kkShared apartment 14.00 m²
Apartments: 3Furnished: YesResidential sauna: NoPrice from: 253 €/kk - Studio
Image gallery
The gallery contains sample pictures of the apartments. The condition and materials of the apartments may vary. The apartments are decorated by the residents themselves. The furniture can be either the resident's or LOAS's basic furniture.